Sunday 7th April 2013
Click here to see a gallery of all photos taken on the day on Penny Brooks Photography page on Facebook - all photos on this page are thanks to Penny Brooks.
Judge: Mrs Glenda Cook (Vic)
It was a great honour to officiate at the Border Collie Club of NSW Championship Show and I thank all concerned for making the appointment such an enjoyable one.
I apologise for the slow submission of this critique, brought about by many circumstances in my life since the day.
It was an excellent opportunity whilst dictating my thoughts on the various exhibits to converse with the owners/handlers of the dogs. I think this method of passing on a judge’s thoughts is more complete than a critique written after the day, however I trust the following brief comments are of interest.
Overall I found the breed to be very uniform with some lovely quality heads and expressions and very typical movement. Presentation was outstanding and a credit to all. In quite a number of the exhibits I would have liked to have a little more leg length giving more daylight underneath.
Best In Show, Australian Bred In Show & Bitch Challenge - CH BORDERTAZ HEVENLY MONEY- B Fowler (pictured below)

Runner Up to Best In Show, Open In Show & Dog Challenge - CH TULLAVIEW TAKE YOUR MARK - P Smith & C Spencer (pictured below)

Best Baby Puppy In Show - QUINORA DARE TO EXCEL - L Quinto
A promising youngster with the right height/length ratio for me. A good lay of shoulder and a good length of upper arm with a nice turn in the rear. She is well ribbed back and moves very well indeed. She has good bone and feet. Quite a good head and ears are to settle of course as yet. I really like the way she carrier her head on the move – very typical for the breed. Coat is developing and looks good. I trust she continues to impress as she grows as she certainly has the potential.
Best Opposite Baby Puppy In Show - NAHROF SETSUKO - L Somers/E Badior
Unfortunately critiques for this class were not supplied.
Best Minor Puppy In Show - ABIZAC LUCK BE A LADY - M Aldous
A lovely young bitch that cuts a very pleasing outline. Good height/length ratio. Quite a nice headpiece. She has a very good length of neck with a good lay of shoulder and upper arm, good turn in the rear. Overall well constructed. She moves well from all angles. A very promising youngster.
Best Opposite Minor Puppy In Show - MACNALLEM ITS ABOUT TIME - C & L Butler
Quite a nice young dog with a good headpiece. Would like a little more neck and angulation in the front that would give him greater reach. Good feet and presented well.
Best Puppy In Show - QUINORA ON THE FINISH LINE - L Quinto
I loved this dogs angles and his head although he was the lighter framed of the entry. He is a young dog and he needs time. He has a well proportioned head with a good ear. I just know he will be a very good dog in time although I am not here to predict. Obviously immature but he has got everything that it takes to be very good, good head, lovely neck, correct shoulder lay and length of upper arm, good legs and feet, lovely rear end top line and tail carriage.
Best Opposite Puppy In Show - BORDALACE INTHSKY WITH DIAMONDS - A Cowin
A bitch of lovely size and substance throughout. Not on her best behaviour today, but I like her very much. She has a very good well balanced head with good ears, eye colour and pigmentation. Lovely bone and feet. Her height/length is what I am looking for and she has a correct lay of shoulder and length of upper arm. Well ribbed back with a good topline and turn in the rear. Tail set is good and carries it well. When she settles around the ring she floats.
Best Junior In Show - SYRYNE SOLAR ECLIPSE - S Fossey
Presented in lovely condition and a quality dog. Good height/length ratio with a good topline. Good bone. A touch more angulation to the upper arm would be of benefit to him. He moves well coming and going but could have more reach on the side. He has an alert expression although his ears are yet to settle which I am sure they will as they are of correct size and texture in the leather.
Best Opposite Junior In Show - SYRYNE LUNAR ECLIPSE - S Fossey
A bitch of lovely size and height/length ratio. She is what I am looking for in overall balance. Well constructed throughout and moves very well indeed. Beautifully presented. I would like a little more in the head, but she is only young and this hopefully should improve as she grows – her ears are a little on the heavy side and a little more stop would improve the overall appearance. Good dark eyes and pigmentation.
Best Intermediate In Show - CH TEHYA DESTINY ALL TOLD - T Bailey
When I first saw this dog coming into the ring I thought he was the complete dog – he moved around the ring with complete ease although he tended to flip his front feet a little. He has a correctly balanced head with a lovely eye and expression and uses his ears well. Generally very well constructed with a correct topline and good rear end. Moves cleanly coming and going. A very good dog.
Best Opposite Intermediate In Show - TERRABELLA COME TOGETHER - J Bridge/G Ingersoll
A lovely bitch of nice size and height/length ratio. Quite a good head that I would like a little more strength to as I find the heads are getting a little narrow and tapering a little too much. She is very well constructed with a lovely neck, lay of shoulder and length of upperarm. Good bone and quite good feet. Very good topline and well ribbed back, good turn in stifle and well let down hocks. Quite good length of tail. With her construction she has to move very well from all angles and she does. A clear winner in this class.
Best Australian Bred In Show - CH BORDATAZ HEVENLY MONEY - B Fowler
A bitch of lovely size and balance with a height/length ratio I am personally looking for. She has a lovely head and when she uses her ears it highlights her lovely expression. She can stand a little wide in front but she certainly does not move that way. Very well constructed, correct topline, well ribbed back and deep in the back ribs. Good turn of stifle and good bone and feet. Coat texture is also good.
Best Opposite Australian Bred In Show - SUP CH SYRYNE ALTAIR O AQUILAE HT - S Fossey
An absolute quality dog presented in top condition. Well balanced quality head of all the right proportions. Very well constructed with a good top line, tail set and carriage. Lovely coat texture and with good bone and feet. Moves out very nicely but can incline to lift a little in the front on the side gait but it is all clean. He is a quality dog and well deserved this 1st placing.
Best Open In Show - CH TULLAVIEW TAKE YOUR MARK - P Smith & C Spencer
A dog that captured my eye immediately he came into the ring. A dog of correct profile that is exactly what I am looking for in height/length ratio, size and balance. He has a firm and correct top line, tail carriage, bone and feet. He just floats around the ring as a Border Collie should. The only area that I would alter him slightly is his head. It is a little narrow for me needing a little more strength for a male and a little more stop. However it is a quality head and quite obviously of Border Collie type. Still a young dog and I am positive he will mature into something very special that in my eyes he is at the moment so he can only get better.
Best Opposite Open In Show - DALHEATH TIME N MOTION - S Farish
I really loved this bitch who was the complete package as far as I was concerned. The only thing I would have liked her to do was ‘sell’ herself a little better. She is so well constructed and floats around the ring. Lovely head and expression, great angles, clean coming and super in the rear. Good bone and feet and in lovely condition. A really lovely quality bitch.
Dog Challenge - CH TULLAVIEW TAKE YOUR MARK - P Smith & C Spencer
Reserve Dog Challenge - SUP CH SYRYNE ALTAIR O AQUILAE HT - S Fossey
Dog Challenge Line Up
Bitch Challenge - CH BORDATAZ HEVENLY MONEY - B Fowler
Reserve Bitch Challenge - DALHEATH TIME N MOTION - S Farish
Bitch Challenge Line Up
Best Neuter In Show - CH INGENUE CHICAGO GIRL - G Ingersoll
Best Opposite Neuter In Show - BORDERTAZ MISTER DARCEY- B Fowler
Judge: Mr J Palmer (NSW)
Sire & Progeny - CH MAGHERA MORSE CODE CDX HT - K O'Halloran
Dam & Progeny - CH DANARI DANGER MONEY- W & M Morgan
Champion Headed & Best Headed Bitch - SUP CH NAHROF RHYME N REASON JD - L Somers/E Badior
Best Headed Dog - CH NAHROF WEB OF INTRIGUE- V & D Collins
Champion Coated & Best Coated Dog - CH BORDALACE CATCH ME IF U CAN - A Cowin
Best Coated Bitch - NAHROF DOCTORS ORDERS- L Somers/E Badior
Champion Gaited & Best Gaited Dog - CH TULLAVIEW TAKE YOUR MARK
- P Smith & C Spencer
Best Gaited Bitch - SUP CH NAHROF RHYME N REASON JD - L Somers/E Badior
Best Footed - SYRYNE SOLAR ECLIPSE - S Fossey