Welcome to the Border Collie Club of NSW! |
Latest News! Research paper on Lymphoma in BCs just published by University of Sydney. Lymphoma in Border Collies: Genome-Wide Association and Pedigree Analysis
BCCNSW The Club is a non-profit organisation focused on promoting the Border Collie breed and is an affiliated club of Dogs NSW. The Club promotes proper care of all dogs, and each year hold events such as Breed Conformation Shows, Obedience, Rally, Agility/Jumping, Scentwork, Tricks and Herding Trials, specifically for Border Collies. The Club also strives to minimise the incidence of hereditary diseases in Border Collies. For the club's next event, please go to the Club Calendar or for details of the next Show or Trial, please go to Club Schedules. Correspondence can be directed to the secretary of the club via email to [email protected] General Meetings since COVID-19 are now held via Skype Meetings. If you wish to join us, please advise our Secretary, Ann Moy and she will advise you of how to connect to our meeting. All welcome. General Meetings are held the FIRST TUESDAY of every even month, visitors welcomed. Committee Meetings are held on the alternate months via a Skype Meeting.
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